The Golden Age of Hollywood Tarot
The Golden Age of Hollywood Tarot is comprised of films and historical events which occurred during the height of the Studio System era, from the advent of sound motion pictures in 1929 to the Supreme Court's Anti-Trust verdict of 1949.
The images used have been culled by and large from original movie posters dating from the era, arranged to underscore each unique card's symbolic meaning. Each suit is made up of both a predominant studio of the era and one of the secondary studios, these in turn reflecting the elements integral to their respective tarot suits.
The Golden Age of Hollywood Tarot has been printed on large format cards - 3.5" x 5.75", 300 GMS stock - and comes with The Golden Age of Hollywood Tarot Key companion book, written by the maker of the cards. The deck is available for purchase here.
Also available from the maker of The Golden Age of Hollywood Tarot: