8 of Earth - Kit Nubbles

Kit Nubbles
The Old Curiosity Shop
Christopher “Kit” Nubbles is Little Nell's devoted friend and her grandfather's loyal servant. When Nell's grandfather sneaks out at night to gamble away his money, Kit stands vigil over the sleeping Nell, having vowed to “never come home to his bed until he thinks she's safe in hers.” Some would say – Kit's mother, for instance – that young Kit had fallen in love with Little Nell.
One day, defending Nell's honour, Kit gets into a fight with one of Quilp's boys. He calls Quilp “The ugliest dwarf that could be seen anywheres for a penny.” - a remark which the vindictive Quilp treasures up against him. When the dwarf refuses to advance Nell's grandfather any more money and instead takes over his curiosity shop, Quilp suggests to the old man that it is Kit's fault. The old man, not in his right mind, bars Kit from Nell's company. Kit, however, remains loyal to Little Nell.
Kit's widowed mother is a poor, hard-working laundress. Along with Kit, she is raising a baby and a 2-year-old infant. Quilp, hateful of their love and devotion, arranges through Sampson and Sally Brass to frame Kit for the contrived theft of a handkerchief. To Quilp's delight, the boy is sentenced to transportation, but at the last minute is saved when the Marchioness and Dick Swiveller discover and expose the dastardly scheme.
Although his beloved Little Nell dies, Kit is rewarded by the novel's end with the friendship of his generous employers, Mr. And Mrs. Garland and their son Abel. He is also reunited with his pet pony, Whiskers, and late in the book meets and marries the honest and good-natured girl, also in the Garland's employ, Barbara.
The 8 of Earth - Kit Nubbles card, then, underscores how - despite setbacks, hardships, and even malevolent forces - the honest efforts of hard work and dedication can and often do, when patiently applied, achieve material and emotional wealth.
Shorthand : nurturing child - steadfast - exceptional pluck - such perseverance is no gamble - skills surely need developing - pleasure in the little things - honesty prevails - mischief in business affairs - garlands for the diligent - gainful employment for the able - rumours of misconduct - misunderstandings ironed out - short-term loss but long-term gain - the constant threat of diversions - it all comes out in the wash.