A full list of the books referenced for The Shakespeare Tarot would be too extensive for the purposes of this bibliography. Listed here are books germane to The Shakespeare Tarot, the authorship issue itself, and those otherwise of unique and/or exceptional insight.
Anderson, Mark - Shakespeare by Another Name: A Biography of Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford
Barber, C L - Shakespeare's Festive Comedy
Booth, Stephen - Shakespeare's Sonnets
- King Lear, Macbeth, Indefinition, and Tragedy
Farina, William - De Vere As Shakespeare: An Oxfordian Reading of the Canon
Gilvary, Kevin - Dating Shakespeare's plays : a critical review of the evidence
Helgerson, Richard - Forms of Nationhood: The Elizabethan Writing of England
Hughes, Ted - Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being
Looney, J. Thomas - Shakespeare Identified in Edward De Vere, the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford
Mahood, M M - Shake-Speare's Word-Play
Nuttall, A.D. - Shakespeare the Thinker
- Shakespeare: The Winter's Tale
- A New Mimesis
Ogburn, Charles - The Mysterious William Shakespeare
Ogbur, Charlton & Dorothy - This Star of England
Roe, R P - The Shakespeare Guide to Italy:Retracing the Bard's Unknown Travels
Shahan & Waugh - Shakespeare Beyond Doubt? Exposing an Industry in Denial
Sobran, Joseph - Alias Shakespeare
Stritmatter & Kositsky - On the Date, Sources and Design of Shakespeare's The Tempest
Travesi, Derek - Shakespeare's Last Phase
Turner Clark, Eva - Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare's Plays
Vyvyan, John - Shakespeare and the Rose of Love
- Shakespeare and Platonic Beauty
Yates, Frances - Astraea: The Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century
- Theater of the World
- The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age
A great many works of Literature are also indispensable for any deeper understanding of Shakespeare. Naturally enough, this begins with the complete works of William Shakespeare, including the Bad Quartos, the apocrypha, "anonymous" source plays, the letters of Edward de Vere and his early poetic works, written under either his own name or epithet. The most pertinent authors of influence and interest are listed here.
Renaissance Era Authors:
Ariosto, Ludovico [Orlando Furioso]
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Cardano, Gerolamo [Cardanus’ Comfort]
Castiglione, Baldassare [The Book of the Courtier]
Chapman, George
Daniel, Samuel
Davies, John
Drayton, Michael
Golding, Arthur
Harvey, Gabriel
Heywood, Thomas
Holinshed, Raphael
Howard, Henry
Jonson, Ben
Kyd, Thomas [Spanish Tragedy]
Lyly, John
Lodge, Thomas [Rosalynde, Euphues Golden Legacie]
Marlowe, Christopher
Munday, Anthony
Peele, George
Sidney, Philip
Spenser, Edmund.
Individual works of anonymity and/or collections:
The Arte of English Poesie
The Devises of Sundrie Gentlemen/A Hundreth Sundrie Flowres
The Geneva Bible
The Mirror for Magistrates
Paradise of Dainty Devices
The Parnassus Plays
Tottel's Miscellany
Classical Authors:
Aeschylus; Chaucer; Euripides; Hesiod;
Livy; Ovid; Plautus; Plutarch; Seneca; Virgil.
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